Thursday, July 02, 2009


So I have decided it is time for me to stay dedicated to something, for once in my life. Maybe I will actually do it, because I really do love the concept. I have started working out with I have put quite a bit of money into it, so that is also motivation to keep going :). Visit the website and check it out, its pretty neat. You have to buy nike+ shoes, and then you buy a sensor that goes in the bottom of the shoe. The sensor comes with the attachment for your iPod. Then you start to run. The iPod and the sensor talk to eachother while you are running (or walking), and it keeps track of your distance, calories burned, average pace, and your time. You can listen to your music on your iPod while you are working out, and a little voice will interrupt every once and a while to update you on how much time you have left. Once you are done working out you plug your iPod into your computer and it automatically puts your workout onto the nikeplus website. On the website it graphs out your runs. Its pretty neat. The feature that I am LOVING is the training feature. I am doing their "walk-run" training. It is for people who are trying to get back into running again. So every day, it tells you exactly what you need to do, in order to build up to 25 minutes of running at the end of 12 weeks. And for me that is really helpful. I need something to tell me exactly what I need to do. Then it keeps track of all your runs in your training. You can also set goals for yourself, and it will keep you updated on how far ahead, or behind you are on reaching your goal. Mine is to work out 48 times in 12 weeks. If you are already an avid runner, you can do their other types of training. You can train for a 5K, 10K, half marathon, or full marathon. And it will tell you exactly what you need to do everyday in order to be ready for your race!

Anyways...just thought I would share what I have started. I am hoping to stick with it. So far I have done 5 days in a row..its a start right? :) So how long does it take to establish a habit? I am hoping not very long :) Today is my day off, according to the training. They give you ONE day off a week. So generous of them.

Speaking of iPods..Liam's new word is iPod. It comes out more like, "i-ba". But he is pretty cute carrying around his iPod, and trying to say the word.


Erika said...

Great. Lets train for a race together. I will do one with you. By the way, I think it is 40 days to make a habit.

Anonymous said...

keep it up! it was fun to see how excited you are about this when we were talking :).

grandmabutch said...

Kellie I am proud of you. You will feel better and sure doesn't hurt one to exercise. I used to do a great job at it, but now I need to get back in gear!!! It will probably be slow gear, but at least I would be trying.

aunteem said...

Bet you need some new running shorts now huh??

Brady said...

I've actually been a lurker for awhile. I really like the way you are thinking about Nike+.