Friday, September 12, 2008

the rainiest day ever.

So we have had about 12 inches of rain since this morning...and it is still raining. And yes I was one of the stupid drivers who went out and took pictures :) Well me and Jessica, who ran down to our house in the rain because she can't get her car out of the driveway.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Yes it is CRAZY! We saw an entire housing development just west of 119th street and Kellogg that all you could see was the tops of their mailboxes and cars submerged in the water! What a scary time for some.

Hillary said...

i'm glad that your house didn't wash away, that would have been very sad. then i couldn't come visit you. but i'm glad you still are there :] and yes dork, don't go out and take pictures! geez..

Melisa said...

Crazy girl...going out in that weather....meanwhile some of us just wanted to get home!!!!!