Friday, October 19, 2007

our baby.

So we had our first appointment today, and we are now totally excited. Not that we weren't excited before, but now we have seen the little guy or girl and heard and seen the heartbeat!! Dr. Kauffman said that it looks like everything is going great, and the baby is growing as it should be for this stage. According to my last menstrual period, my due date is June 7th, which puts me at 6 weeks and 6 days today. According to the sonogram he got me at 7 weeks and 1 day. Since it is very little difference we are sticking with the due date according to my LMP. So the official due date is June 7th, of 2008!!
So we wanted to share our sono pictures with everyone. In the first picture you can see the little peanut in the black sac (in the lower left corner of the sac). In the second picture you can see the baby in the same spot (the little sac to the right of the baby in this picture is the yolk sac, that is where the baby is getting its nutrients from right now). The lines at the bottom of this second picture is the tracing of the babies heart beat. It was 139 when we listened :)....oh...and there is just one :) Thank goodness!


Erika said...

I was hoping for twins.

aunteem said...

smiling.....though I love being a twin I'm kind of glad you get to start parent hood one at a time! :)

Anonymous said...

This is very exciting! Thanks for sharing your first pics.
Aunt K

Anonymous said...

So amazing! Thanks for letting us look at this first picture of the little fella'--I think it is a boy! Just have a feeling...
Love, Aunt JT

Cristy said...

Congratulations! You guys are so cute. I'm so happy for you, I love being a mom. By the way, I heard you are GREAT babysitters, so feel free to call anytime you want some hands-on experience :O)

Melanie-Pearl said...

kel, do you and jer want to join me cody and ben tonite? we are going for drinks at the larkspur before we head out to the galleries. i think jer would like the one i have pieces in because there are local and other short indie films looping in that cool theatre all night. call me if you're interested. will et be around? she could come too.-mel

Erika said...

I heard you were getting a belly. I want to see a picture.