Tuesday, April 07, 2009

cute baby?

Ok...So I did stoop so low as to enter our kid in a cute baby contest. Well I haven't entered him yet, but I am going to. Which is why I am writing this post, because we need help choosing which picture to enter. It is a contest through Good Morning America/Parenting magazine, and the top 8 finalists get an all expense paid trip to NYC on August (so I admit that is the main reason he is being entered :). The only stipulations on the picture is that it has to be a color photograph, and taken within the past month. These are the five we have it narrowed down to.






Now, please help us decide. Which would you send in? 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5?


Anonymous said...

I think I like 4 the best. His eyes are really blue, and his teeth on the bottom are irresistable!

5 is my second choice.

He should definitely win. :)

Erika said...

I also say #4 because of the teeth. By the way, I showed his peek-a-boo video to some people in my class. They thought he was the cutest baby ever. They wanted to see more picture of him. I think he will win it all.

aunteem said...

Dad likes number 5. He also likes the big pictures at the top of your blog the best.
I like 1, 4 and 5....not much help I know!

Sara Ann said...

Definitely 4.

Sara Ann said...
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Kristy Jackson said...

I'm voting for #1 and #5. Tom votes #4 then #3. I actually like them all but you wanted me to pick. :)

Anonymous said...

I think #4 is the cutest! Then #3.

Ann Taylor said...

Kelly- SO CUTE. I'm voting for #4!

Anonymous said...

#1 or #4

Melanie-Pearl said...

#5 b/c of his legs!

Unknown said...

4 or 5

Hillary said...

i say number 4. because he looks the best in that one

Unknown said...

#5... i'll edite it for you on photoshop too so the lighting is better :)

Marcia said...

i like 3 and 4 the best.

Marcia said...

Number 4 is my favorite

Marcia said...

I don't know who voted for me (Marcia) earlier today - maybe it was Joel - i pick number 4

Liz said...

I vote for #5. The video is great!
What a doll!

Aunt Liz

aunteem said...

I think I am going to # 5....I like the whole body look and really do like the legs...I agree with Melanie on that!

grandmabutch said...

I vote for number 4. He is cute in all of them, but I prefer the number 4.
Grandma Butch

Dathan and Elizabeth said...

i vote for #4, it's pretty cute!!

Erika said...

John voted for number 3 because it is the best.

Dathan and Elizabeth said...

i changed my mind....
i think you should send in the big picture of him on your blog!
or # 3!!

thehobbs said...

I vote for number 5.

thehighbargers said...

I have to agree with Stacia...#5

Ginger said...

They're all so good! I would go with #4 or #5 though... good luck!!