Wednesday, October 08, 2008


Well we tried to give Liam some rice cereal a couple of weeks ago, and it didn't go so well. He kept pushing it out with his tongue and didn't quite have the hang of it. So now, two weeks later hes got it. This video was taken a few days ago, and he just gets better with eating it every day. This Friday he will have been eating rice cereal, twice a day for about a week, so we will try to start vegetables. Will it be carrots, squash or sweet potatoes? Hmmm...none sound that appealing to me :). The only problem we have with starting to feed him solids, is that neither of us are fast enough feeders for him. I'm sure there will be more videos and pictures to come as the messy face gets a bit more colorful.

**ps--anyone who has any suggestions on foods to start first, how to start them etc...feel free to share. i feel like i really do not know what i am doing when it comes to feeding him baby food. like when typically during the day do you usually feed the baby food to them? do you do fruits and vegetables at different times of the day? like one for breakfast and one for dinner? do you feed the fruit and/or vegetable with the rice cereal all in one meal? or i am possibly over-analyzing this WAY too much...which i have a feeling i am doing. those are just a FEW of my questions...haha. oh well, i guess this is what a first time mom is supposed to do.**


The Speegles said...

I totally understand your questions. There is a baby site that I love that talks about all kinds of stuff like that. For us we started with fruits, one at a time and feeding it to him as the only new thing for a week. To make sure he didn't have any food allergies to that fruit. Then we added in new stuff. Edwin like the fruits a lot, and i often mixed them into his rice cereal. But that was what worked with him. It isn't an exact science, just have to find out what works with Liam.

Erika said...

I love how even the mundane task of eating has music with it.

Anonymous said...

That does bring back meemories of your mother and aunt Marcia. It was a job to keep up with them. Can you imagine? So good to have you with us last night.
Grandma Butch

Unknown said...

The doctor told us to start with veggies. Once they eat fruits them may not want the veggies. Do them one at a time so you know if he is allergic. You choose when is a good time for you we do food at lunch and dinner. We do dinner so he is full and sleeps well, at least that is the idea. Do what you think is best. What works for us may not work for you. You know Liam best and know whats best for him. You will make the right choice!

Anonymous said...

Well this is how we feed our boys, we would give like fruit with their cereal. You know bite of fruit followed by cereal. Then for lunch/dinner do the same but with veggie, couple of bites followed by bite of fruit. By the way you just aren't going fast enough with the spoon it was so funny to watch him watch the spoon everywhere it went!! That was great!!

Anonymous said...

i'm like obsessed with your blog