Wednesday, September 05, 2007


I think the highlight of my week was stopping by KT and Julie's and getting to play with Sophie for a little while...three more months and she will have a little sister! I am pretty sure Sophie is a genius. Are 1 1/2 yr olds supposed to be able to count to 10, and know that the "p" comes after the "o" in her name?? I was pretty amazed! :) I can't believe how much she is talking and how big she is getting. So I just wanted to brag on one of my three cutest cousins ever (Chloe and Mason being the other two). I thought I got some pretty cute pictures, so I thought I would share. When Jeremy and I were leaving KT and Julie's, Julie came out and said that Sophie was saying "Kellie, bye bye". Yeah, pretty sure my heart just melted right then and there.


aunteem said...

what a dolly...i can't even begin to pick my favorite picture! we need to teach her to say "aunt marchel" next!

Anonymous said...

Kellie--you are too sweet. Can't wait till you have a little girl I can brag about :)!

Anonymous said...

Those pictures are so cute! You should keep her for a couple hours sometime. It is so much fun to have her all to yourself--she talks nonstop...Love, JT

Melanie-Pearl said...

ohmigosh!!! i am so in love with her, too! it's like you can't get enough of her.

last night Mason was making her say all kinds of words: "say eyeball." "eye-bah."

it reminded me of me and you! do you know how thrilled i was that you could talk?!?! it was like my best dolly coming to life.

"...say kitty!"