Saturday, August 04, 2007

Interview Update

I thought some of you might like to know how Jeremy's interview went on Tuesday. Well I don't have a lot of information about it, because when I ask Jeremy how it went, his response is "Oh fine." I need more information than that!!! :) But the lady talked to him for about 45 minutes, and then said that he would for sure be hearing back from her within the next couple of weeks. She also said that she would probably want a follow up interview. Which I am assuming is another phone interview. So I guess that is what we have to look forward to, over the next week or week and a half. So from what I gather I think it went really well, but we are still praying about it. We would sure appreciate all of your prayers!!


Melanie-Pearl said...

thinking about this in Boston. thanks for the update. love you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. We'll continue to focus our thoughts and prayers on a job and a location that you both absolutely love.
Aunt K