Wednesday, July 18, 2007

it's about time...

I have really got to start getting better about updating!! I have been wanting to update for the past couple weeks but there were so many things to update about I didn't know where to start. (Well that is my excuse anyway). Lots of things have happened since our last post. The Thiessen family reunion, John and Erika were home, 4th of July celebrations, cousins from Wyoming in town.....etc. Not much to update about as far as Jeremy and I are concerned. He is still looking for a job, so prayers for that are appreciated!! The $7/hour he is making at the coffee shop sure isn't much! It is time for a "real" job :). Although he is enjoying working at the coffee shop downtown beause two of his good friends work there. Sometimes I wonder how their wives will ever get them to get "real" jobs :). We did have our one year anniversary!! I was dissapointed because I had to work the night of our anniverary and the night before and the night after. So we didn't get to celebrate. There were a lot of other things going on at that time also, so we are still hoping to be able to do something, but we will see! I can't believe it has been a year already...time really has gone by fast.

Us after our honeymoon: Us after our 1 yr:

I think the main difference is, that we both grew our hair out...unfortunately for one person :)
I am just going to post a few pictures from our activites over the past few weeks.

Some of the cousins playing poker at
the Thiessen family much fun!!

All of the girl cousins on the Thiessen side.

Me and Mel...I love you!!

Jeremy and Cody enjoying their in-laws :)

Erin and Mason being silly.

Sophie and Mel...I just love this picture!

Me Hill and KT ready to blow stuff up
even if it is raining!!

Yeah, they weren't too big, but we
thought they were pretty!

Me, Annette and Elaina swimming
at mom and dad's pool

Kenzie Anne at her and Annette's birthday party

Clayton....I really have got the cutest cousins!


We have really enjoyed all the family time that we have had the past couple weeks!!! Excpect an update in a couple of days, because I am going to do better!!


aunteem said...

love the pictures. you'll have to send me the zimmerman ones...mine didn't turn out. glad you had some to post on your blog. they are great.
love you two.

Erika said...


Melanie-Pearl said...

i love you, too!

i know i always say something about how pretty you are, but really, you have gotten prettier in a year! doesn't everyone agree with me?

i'm not being shallow. i've just watched you grow up since you were an adorable baby so i can say things like that. i still have to pinch myself when i think about how fast you and e have grown up.

Melanie-Pearl said...

You and your girlfriends have an awesome opportunity to show your husbands full-on, agape love right now, as they evolve in to the men God wants them to be.

It has almost been 11 years since I married a 19 year old, wet-behind-the-ears, artsy boy who got his 1st job and his real education at Boeing. His 5 years working at Boeing were so. incredibly. dark.

Now after X years of education, and two degrees later, he still isn't making as much as he made at Boeing. BUT, he has a job he likes, people show him respect, and there are many possibilities this job can guarantee for the career. He puts food on our table, has time for our children, and loves us all more than ever.

You girls must be glad your boys aren't consumed by the ego filled workaholic world. Be glad your boys have each other for support. Anyhow, they won't always be making coffee. I'm sure there is lots of dreaming those boys can do while they make coffees. Who knows when that dreaming will lead to something else?

(I know our situtation was different than you girls'...just thought a different perspective might help?

Cody had no choice other than Boeing because of insurance needs/baby on the way. I do think that your husbands will find other opportunity before you/if you choose to have children. You girls are able to give them the time they need, before they have children.

The fact that we had no money worries/insurance worries when we first had our children was central to the survival of our marriage and family. In that way I am super-thankful for Boeing. I hope I never sound ungrateful.)

Melanie-Pearl said...

One more thing from that new book by Rob Bell (yes, it has taken almost 11 years to find a "couples" book worth reading):

Bell says, "Think of how many of us had encouraging or affirming or inspiring words spoken to us years ago about our worth, our value, our future, and how those words shaped us. We often carry thos words of agape around with us our whole lives."

Then he says, "What if that woman, the one with the husband who constantly diappoints her, what if she treated him as if he already were the man she wishes he was? What if she agapes him exactly as he is, today, with all of his flaws? If you are him, which is more motivating: being reminded of all of your failures and shortcomings, or being loved as if you're a great man?"

(love you guys! i'm done taking up all of your comment space now!)